Friday, June 25, 2010

Most Economists

NPR reports this morning on my drive to work that most (they may have even said virtually all) economists agree that government spending is good for the economy and that such spending is what lifted us out of the Great Depression...

"History teaches that temporary surges in government spending give people money that, for the most part, they save or use to reduce debt, rather than setting in motion an upward spiral of income, expenditure, real output, and employment, as envisioned by John Maynard Keynes, the British economist whose theory spurred massive government interventions in the economy from the 1930s onward.

"History also teaches that government “emergency” spending tends to fatten the coffers of the politically connected. Thus, much of the so-called stimulus spending has served only to increase the pay and benefits of government employees, transferring income from the private sector to the government sector, and reward groups, such as the United Auto Workers and low-income home buyers, for their support of the Obama administration."

From Robert Higgs at the Christian Science Monitor

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